1920 - 1939

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Kadina and Wallaroo Times, Wednesday 31 March 1920, page 2



History was made on Saturday last in connection with the Kadina Church of Christ, when the foundation stone of the new church building was laid by Elder D. Wright, a foundation member of the present church. The ceremony, which took place at 5 p.m., attracted a large number of the congregation and well-wishers of the church, the building being decorated with the Union Jack and the Australian flag. The walls of the edifice are rising quickly, and the building is designed to give plenty of accommodation. When completed, it will be one of the finest churches in the town.

Pastor W. H. Nightingale, who presided, led in prayer, and then called on the assemblage to sing the well known hymn "All people that on earth do dwell," after which he briefly addressed the gathering. For some years they had toiled along, and though the church had been suitable for the time, it was found insufficient as the congregation grew. They had then looked around for a more commodious building, and one more in keeping with worship. It was their glorious privilege that day to lay the foundation stone of the new church, and prayer and giving had proved effective in the tangible result they saw before them. He sincerely thanked all who aided, and hoped they would make it the beginning of new things, make it a time of spiritual blessing for all.

Mr W. I. Niell (treasurer) then gave a financial statement of the position of the church. No one was more pleased than he to see the advance that the church was making. Originally, in 1900, they had rented the old church from the Rechabite lodge for six years, and had then bought it for £700. The church had undergone varying fortunes until the arrival of Pastor Nightingale, and during scarcely three years they had purchased the block and present site, erected two rooms for the Kindergarten, and were now launching out on the present scheme. "The buildings that were up were paid for, but not the block. The rents of the two cottages, that had been now demolished, had paid the interest of the previous debt. (Applause.) They now stood at the beginning of greater things. They held property to the value of £2,500, and had a debt of about £780. They had started with £1,200 cash, but this would be in sufficient, He would say, however, that they had great faith in the town. They would set up an edifice that would be an ornament to Kadina and a blessing to the people. Enough steam was available to make a start, and they were demonstrating their faith by their works. (Applause.)

Mr L. H. Shepley (Mayor of Kadina) said it gave him great pleasure to be present and to witness the laying of the foundation stone. Personally, he followed the Anglican faith, but he was by no means a bigot. In these days of enlightenment the greatest respect should be shown to religion, for though they all pursued the same goal it was by different means. We did not know, and could not tell with certainty, which denomination was right or wrong, and should thus pay respect to all. (Applause.) So long as people followed one or two fundamental principles they could not go wrong. They should be loyal to their King, and also to their churches, for the churches were the means of grace to foster our religious obligations. He had always had the greatest respect and admiration for the Church of Christ, and had been struck by the enthusiasm of the members, adults and children alike. The secret of the success of the Church of Christ lay in its mission work. They had also been blest with good leaders, and in Pastor Nightingale they had one of nature's gentlemen, (applause), who was not only a churchman but also took a keen interest in the affairs of the town. He regretted that Kadina was shortly to lose such a valuable citizen. The building would give status to the town, and there should not be any difficulty in raising the necessary money for its erection and for the glory of God. He heartily congratulated the members on their financial position and trusted that the church would have many useful years of labor. (Applause.)

Mr J. N. Pedler, M.P. expressed his pleasure at being present at what was a red letter day in the history of the church, and congratulated the congregation on their fine building. It was twenty years since the church had been inaugurated at Kadina, and it spoke well for the members that they had cleared off the debt on the old building and were beginning with the new. It was one thing to build a church, and another to fill it. As a representative of the people he looked to the church to help them. If they did not do that, then a church failed in its object and duty. The workers were not opposed to religion and wanted the aid of the church. He congratulated the members on their enterprise and trusted that their expectations would be realised.

Rev. J. C. Hughes (Methodist) said that he wished to express on behalf of the Methodist Church of the town and district their well wishes with the venture. He also had admired the energy, enthusiasm and organising ability of Pastor Nightingale, and endorsed what the Mayor had said about his leaving. It was a matter of deep and hearty congratulation to the congregation that they had progressed so satisfactorily, and he was heartily glad that they had embarked on their venture for the furtherance of the Kingdom of God.

The Rev. L. H. Purnell (Congregational) said there were but two things to say--congratulation on their achievement, and well wishes for the future. According to Mr Niell they had a very fine record, and he could also support that on his own observations. He heartily congratulated them on behalf of his church on what they had achieved, and though they had undertaken a big task they would set about it with a big heart and big faith. Denominationalism was, in a way, like the members of the human family, and like the members of a family, they differed temperamentally in their views. They existed for the extension of His Kingdom, and in their separate temperamental spheres His blessings would permanently and definitely rest upon them. Christians were those whose names were written in the Lamb's Book of Life, and there were many whose names did not appear on any church roll whose names would still be in the Book of Eternal Life. He prayed that the blessing of the Almighty God rest upon them in the work they had chosen, and he also wished them the fullest success in the future.

Elder D. Wright, in addressing the assemblage, said that he felt greatly honored in being asked to lay the foundation stone of a church that should prove a blessing to the community. He had been a member for 42 years, and had been instrumental in a church being opened in Kadina, his colleagues being Messrs William and James Manning and Bro. Smith. They started with fourteen members, and took over what now was the Druids' hall. After some years they moved into the Rechabite hall, when they had thirty members. Right along they had put their trust in God and left the future to Him, and their work had been so blessed that they were building a House of God in which the church met, and of which Jesus Christ was the chief cornerstone. Though they were many at the work, they all worked for One Master. Elder Wright then placed the stone, an inscribed slab of marble in position, and in a brief dedicatory prayer declared the stone properly laid to the honor of God.

Evangelist G. E. Chandler then made an appeal for funds, asking the people to lend the money free of interest and repayable within ten years at latest. He stated that the total indebtedness was £2,750, cash in hand £1,250, leaving a debit balance of £1,500. As the result of the appeal, the sum of £325 was raised in loans of various amounts and free gifts. Pastor Nightingale apologised for the absence of Adjutant Hansen. The Doxology and prayer terminated the ceremony, after which tea was partaken of in the Kindergarten hall.

Kadina and Wallaroo Times, Saturday 6 November 1920, page 2



The completion of the fine and commodious church building erected in Taylor street, Kadina, marks an important step forward in the history of the local Church of Christ. Preparations for the opening ceremony had been in progress for some time, and a successful series of services was anticipated. The formal opening of the building for worship took place on Sunday morning last, October 31, when there was a very large assemblage, including many people from Wallaroo, Moonta, and the surrounding district. At a quarter before eleven Pastor W. J. Taylor introduced Mr George Crouch (chair man of trustees) and after a brief address handed him the key. Mr Crouch carried out his duties satisfactorily, and the hundreds of worshippers streamed into the church, where Pastor J. "Wiltshire, of Mile End, conducted a splendid service.

The foundation stone of the building was laid by Elder D. Wright on Saturday, March 17, work having been be gun on the erection several weeks earlier. An impressive ceremony was then held, during the course of which the growth of the local church was outlined. From a mere handful of people the church had grown in numbers to hundreds, until the erst while Rechabite hall (which had been converted into a church building) was found too small, chiefly because of the increasing attendance of children, and it was realised that better provision had to be found. The block almost opposite was secured and a Sunday school building erected, the

front portion of land being reserved for the church building. Subsequently the old building was sold for £1,100 and money was also raised by debentures of £10, these being free of interest. These debentures are drawn for every year and a proportion repaid. This factor, and the receipt of many and appreciated donations, made it possible to open the building with out having to pay interest on more than £1,000, a proof of the self-sacrifice of the church members. The estimated worth of the property and buildings is £5,000, a magnificent as set, and the members thus start off with a much lighter handicap than many other churches. The member ship of the church is about 200 and the attendance at the Bible School over 250.

The church building itself is designed to seat between 700 and 800 persons. It is 60 feet long by 44 feet wide, well lighted by means of many windows, and by three 600 candle power indirect lamps at night. Six doors allow of the building being emptied in very few minutes. The ceiling is of asbestos sheets, and there is plenty of ventilation. Galleries, which are reached by means of fine and wide staircases, and a children's platform, give increased seating accommodation. At the rear of the Pastor's platform, situated between two vestries, is the baptistry. Two aisles-run between the modern slat seats (made by Messrs Chandler & Co, Wallaroo) and altogether the building is roomy, comfortable and well suited for the purposes of worship. The front windows are appropriately lead-lighted, and wide steps lead to the two doors, right and left, that give access to the building. There is no doubt that the new church building is an acquisition to the places of worship in Kadina. The completion of the furnishing and the erection of the front fence will be a matter of only a few weeks: The whole of the work was carried out under the charge and direction of the following trustees:-Messrs G. Crouch (chairman,), S. R. Trenwith (secretary), W. I. Niell (treasurer), L. Gordon and A. Weidenbach. Mr J. E. Grigg, of Kadina, was the contractor, and the lighting arrangements were in the hands of Mr H. Rhodes, the Corporation electrical engineer.

The opening services were a feature of the celebrations. On Sunday the big building was full to the doors, and the addresses in the morning, afternoon and evening by Pastor J. Wiltshire, received with the closest attention. Suitable anthems were rendered by the choir under the conductorship of Mr C. E. Larcombe, the soloist for the occasion being Mrs W. J. Taylor. A special collection for the British and Foreign Bible Society realised about £6. An inaugural tea was held on Monday evening, November 1, when there was again a huge crowd at the tea and the subsequent public meeting; when the speakers were the Rev. J. C. Hughes, Pastors J. Wiltshire, W. J. Taylor, and A. J. Inham, and Adjutant Hansen. An appeal by Pastor Taylor met with a satisfactory response. The supper that followed the meeting was also largely attended. The opening services were continued on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evening, big congregations thronging the church in every instance. The preacher again was Pastor Wiltshire, and some inspiring and helpful ad dresses were delivered. Credit is due the officials and other church workers for the successful manner in which all the arrangements in connection with the opening of the church were carried out.

Kadina Church of Christ Board about 1920

Back row: N Bartle, P Oakley, SR Trenwith, LL Gordon, Mr Neale, Mr Thomas, Mr Barr

Front Row: EA Read, Mr Crouch, Mr Nightingale (Minister), CE Larcombe, SH Wilton

Interior of Kadina Church of Christ chapel - date unknown

This limestone large building with an Art Deco influence was opened in November1920. Mr. J. E Grigg was the contractor. There is a smaller building at the rear, possibly the church hall. [On back of photograph] 'Church of Christ, Kadina / 1932 / Reproduced in the Chronicle for August 18, 1932'.